deCoding Asian Urbanism

September 1, 2021

Published in September 2021 deCoding Asian Urbanism explores the breathtaking urban development in Asia and examines its impact on western cities. The decade-long effort and research are memorialized in a 458-page publication that includes the work of prominent sociologists, architects, historians, urban designers, and activists across the globe, providing a unique perspective on the complexity of the contemporary city. Extensively illustrated with project images, analytical diagrams, maps, and selected photographs, it includes spirited panel discussions from a symposium at Harvard University. deCoding Asian Urbanism seeks to stimulate a dialogue between policymakers, designers, and public officials who are shaping cities in today’s complex paradigm. As migration from Asia continues worldwide and the economic connections deepen, we must navigate the potential impact of the Asian diaspora on our urban way of life, whether we live in Los Angeles, Berlin, or Sao Paulo.

To purchase the book on Amazon go here.